The Hartts in 2009  
or. . .
    The Continuing Adventures of Jake and
Katrina with new addition, Ella!

Link to our family homepage.

  Ella Katrina Hartt  
  Growing up before our eyes!  

7 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months

It's very hard... get a...

...1 year old... sit still...

...for photos!

  Trip to California  

Cousin Andrea's Wedding at the Atheneum, Califirnia Institue of Technology

One small element of the arbor

Chris Hartt leading the mother of the bride down the aisle

Happy Father-in-law to be

One more quip from Uncle Dick

Newlyweds Andrea and Mark

Ceremony's over. Time for dancing!

Andrea graciously dancing with the town drunk

Ella, looking very much like her Uncle Dick

Uncle Steve with Miss Ella

All the Hartts

Brita, Liz, and Ted at the Huntington Gardens

Enjoying the day

Reflection of their Uncle Dick in the Ford Woodie

Everywhere is a playplace

Patiently waiting for the passengers to get in

Conga line

And now for the Zigfield Follies!

Fun at the beach!

Goin' with the flow

I can swim out to there!

Becoming Beach Bums in Malibu

Sand is fun even when
you're not eating it!

Getting facepaint done at Disneyland

Posing with their special buddy

Main Street at Disneyland!

Flying with Dumbo

Making new friends

A bit suspicious!
Screaming along with the kiddos

  and Christmas  

Our very own Snow Angel

Snow time!

Twice as much fun in the snow!

Somebody got cold...Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows will fix!

Made with love, candy, and a little help from Mommy

Every year we add handprints to our Christmas Tree skirt

How things have changed

Season's decorations

"No! Don't eat it!!"

Our Star Sweetie

Brand new dolly

More fun building toys!

"You have NO idea how hard it is to teach this to Grandma Kathy!"

Sharing with Sister after Santa photos.

Cuddle time after a long day

  Trip to Bangor, Maine  

Denelle's brother Ron held a...

...commitment ceremony with his...

...wife Amy with family in attendence.

Kiddos ready to partake in party-time!

Grandpa gets to entertain his grandkid

"Let me tell you, girl. Boys my age are SOOO immature!"

Jake is always the charmer!

Jake: I'm hot. I'm tired.
Katrina: More sparklers!

Happy girls!

Jake: "Mmmmm! Donuts!"

Katrina and Cousin Phoenix

The crew with John and Mary

Jake the Adventurer!

Katrina the Little Crab Finder!

Cool Shaker Architecture

I'm just here to look cute...

...and don't I do a good job?

I'm gonna get you!

Impatient seagull looking for a handout

Harbor shot

Yes, it's an Ice Cream, lobsters don't serve it

Ella tries to feed her big sister...

...with mixed results!

I though the moose was thought it was awesome

Twighlight at Bangor Harbor

  Trip to Connecticut  

Visiting Uncle Steve and Aunt Liz at their house

Petting the pooch poolside

Trips are just excuses to play in the hotel pools

At the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Conn.

Katrina face-to-face with nature

This is the huge but mean lobster. It would karate-chop rare fish into extinction.

"OK, Jake. I'll take a photo of the cool frogs"

Graceful jellies

Denelle and I could stare at them for hours

Ella feeding Mom at the beach

"No, Daddy! Barbie likes to be dunked upside-down!"

Happy to explore and look for yummy stuff in the sand

If other kids think it is gross, Katrina must pet it.

"That's right kids. The horseshoe crabs are hugging."

Happiness is junk food on the beach

  Happy Party Time!  

Well, SOMEONE likes the cake!

Denelle provided cakes each month to our Elementary School

Denelle taught pre-K at a local Day Care....Happy B-Day Dr. Seuss!

Can you tell that the kiddos decorated Daddy's B-Day Cake?

Happy Mommy with the best presents in the whole world!

Jake's Speed Racer 6th B-Day cake!

The overwhelming coolness of presents

"When can I blow them out?"

Closeup of Speed Racer finishing while competitors are left crashed in icing flames

Jake's party was at Little Big's...his favorite game had him putting out fires.

Jake concentrating on ceramic decorating

Proud little guy

Katrina's party was at ARTSports gymnasium

Taking a break from the fun activities

Happy B-Day girl!


"I can jump soooo high!!!"

Ella loved the trampolnes, but kept trying to crawl out-of-sight!

  Easter is made for kiddos!  

Look who dropped off goodies during the night!

"OK, you talked me into taking one."

Lots of Chocolate + Girl = Happiness

Our happy sweetypie...and her daughter!

The quest for eggs!

Guiding Jake along

No end to the coolness

Comparing hauls

In the Colorado
  Mountains at Fulford  

Maybe not on the map,
but it does have a sign!

"I don't remember throwing
rocks in the creek!"

Happy to play with
super-fun gravel

Family shot

"Jake, when is it my turn?"

  Ella doing her thing!  

Here is Ella...

...proving that every... with her in it... a better photo!

Even spiked-collar
punk princesses are
no match for the Cuteness

"I don't know what it is, but it's cool!"

"What's in here?"

"Oh, that's right. I am!"

"If it's good for the dog,
it must be good for me, too!"

I'll look at you this way, now."

"My bath, my sink, my toys!"

"I don't know if it's food, but it smells yummy."

Coming from mommy and daddy...

...engineers, Ella loves to tinker with stuff...

...surprising noone.

It's more fun to get attention than to go down the slide

"I konw how to make that!"

Playing in sister's bed

"Who's cute? Me?"

That thing looks as big as she is

Knows she's having fun

Heeeerrrreeee'sss Ella!

Spontaneous joy

"I'm not going to be...

...photogenic for you every time, Daddy!"

Another day, another masterpiece...

Check me out!

"More!" means "Higher!"

Nothing cooler than Daddy's gloves!

...isn't this an Italian Gesture?
"Look what I got!"
"Where are your cheeks, Ella?"

  Katrina showing off!  

Proud of her creations

Preview of her expression at 16?

Swimming is fun!

Gymnastics accomplishment

Carousel ride at the zoo!

Petting zoo time!

Hard at work at play

"I've learned that if I'm cuter, I get more presents!"

Typical self-confident girl

"It's my birthday pancake stack!"

Katrina took up ballet and tap

"I'm me. You'll just have to deal with that."

Some girls sleep with dolls...Katrina sleeps with her toy iguana

"Daddy, want this slimy little crab?"

If other kids are squeemish, Katrina's up front

Posing with flowers

Cheerleading lessons

Cheer Squad

Happy girl

  Jake and his projects!  

Jake tending his garden

Ready to take on those moguls!

The coolest part of skiing is the Lodge food and hot chocolate

Working his charms on the ladies, reverse Tom Sellick style

If it involves building things, Jake is all about it

First day of 1st Grade with Mrs. Ponzer

Excited to get started!

Our Cub Scout

Learning Karate from Sensei Allen

Jake's sailboat that he built (with a little help)

If you can build with it, Jake will create something cool

"Please keep your hands in the train at all times!"

Attending Cub Scout Meeting

Hands-on learning

  Family Stuff  

There is always a fort waiting to be made...

...even if it is under a table!

Visiting Lego Thomas

Going for a horseback ride... Brad's farm

Would you believe this ended in lots of tears?

Unclear if Ella really wants to be in Sister's bed


Proud of their scary creations!

Nothing like holding a newborn

"Excuse me! Keep your hands inside the plane!"

Three seconds before the ice cream hit the ground and the tears started

Porcupine meatballs!

Our cooking whizzes....

...and their creations!

I missed my chance to get Denelle out to Florida 10 years earlier...instead I got a diamond that trip

View from our hotel room in Melbourne Beach, FL on our mini-Honeymoon

Annabelle will protect me from any dangerous kiddos!

Time to get candy from strangers!

Climbing on big brother
Getting World's Best Dad award on Father's Day
Vrooom, vroooom!!

How Kiddos see the world
  (when they get ahold of the camera)  

I really have no idea
how this was done