Jacob Joseph Hartt

More from the Slightly Predictable Proud-Daddy-Made Web Photo Album!

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First Easter

My first Easter Basket! I'm not letting go, either!

It's the Easter Bunny!

Close-up on Mr. Mellow

Making a Great Impression!

Sally's shoulder is a Happy Place

We're going to play Afternoon Tea!
"I was this small once? I don't think so, this is a baby."

"You're right, he does burp!"

"It's my turn now!"

Brian says "come visit me in Hawaii"

All dressed up and ready to go!

That masculine charm always gets the babes smiling

Just Plain Cute

Mr. Cool

Pooped out from a hard day's napping

Tiny Tim makes a grab for the new dog-bed . . .

. . . while Annabelle takes over the dog-perch.

His two best friends. . .as soon as he starts throwing food everywhere


Copyright 2003 by Jeff Hartt
Backgrounds by AC Gallery Productions