Jacob Joseph Hartt

More from the Slightly Predictable Proud-Daddy-Made Web Photo Album!

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Brad Ray's 40th Birthday Party

No, Brad, he's not your present!

Laura is smitten!

The cuter the girl, the bigger the smile!

Dolly says, "I thought I was done with these!"

Linda looks like she neesds a hug. . . a baby hug!

Jim keeps Jake safe from two weird people!

"Heeeeere's Jakey!"

Peggy and Kirby Edwards come to visit!

Are books fun to read?

NO! They are fun to EAT!

"You are getting very sleepy. . ."

"Well, maybe not too sleepy"

Must. . . eat. . . musical. . . lion. . . toy!

Finger -licking good!

"See, Jacob, here's a yellow bus!"

". . . and now see what happens when you press the purple ear."

With Brad on the Farm He Manages


Grab the doggie by the handles!

Brad introduces Jake to Slew's Gold

No fear of big animals, that's for sure!

Lemons are yummy!

Oh, my!

More winning photos!

Hanging at Bernie's

I'm going fishing!

Copyright 2003 by Jeff Hartt
Backgrounds by AC Gallery Productions